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  • Can I make changes to my order after it has been processed?
    Unfortunately, we cannot. Once the order is processed and submitted, no changes can be made. We apologize for any inconvenience.
  • What should I do if I received a damaged item?
    Please inspect order upon arrival. If your products have any damage, please contact us at: Please provide your order number, along with your name, email address, and pictures of the damaged products for expedited service. To assure a smooth return, please retain the shipping box, unused/damaged items and receipt for inspection by the carrier. We will need this to file a claim with the carrier. Rest assured that we will get a replacement sent out to you asap.
  • How do I redeem my reward points?
    Enter your answer here
  • Do you offer wholesale products?
    Looking to add a well-known, handcrafted, artisan, natural skin product to your offerings? Look no further! Reclaiming Dawn has you covered! Low minimums and small cases sizes make offering healthy and handmade simple! Most orders ship priority mail within 3 days letting you have the freedom to order last minute. If you would like to receive our current lines list, please email us at and tell us a little about your brand, location and why you think we would be a great fit!
  • I received an incorrect item, how do I go about receiving the correct item ordered?"
    We pride ourselves on accurately packaging your order, but accidents do happen. We apologize for our error. Please contact us at with your order number, name, email address, photo of the incorrect product, and we will get to work right away to make it right.

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© 2024 Reclaiming Dawn, LLC

7308 Palisades Drive

Texarkana, TX

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